Company announcement Scientific Publication Minakem announces New Patent for a new process of preparation of Rilpivirine May 20, 2020 Minakem successfully pursues the development of its own intellectual property The present invention relates to a new process of preparation
Press Clippings La vie de foyer comment ça se passe depuis le confinement May 4, 2020 Un grand merci “des-maisons” à l’entreprise Minakem. LA MAISON DES DÉCOUVREURS, LA MAISON DES ENFANTS DE LA DANSE, LA
Press Clippings TKS – Chemisty Today – a word with Thierry van Nieuwenhove – CEO End Market April 16, 2020 Abstract from Chemistry Today – MARCH/APRIL 2020 – VOL. 38(2) – p42-43 How can a company (CDMO) like Minakem contribute to
News Press Releases Minakem offre du gel hydro-alcoolique et des masques médicaux aux hôpitaux de la région Hauts de France et de Belgique March 25, 2020 Alors que le nombre de cas de Covid-19 augmente en Europe, Minakem met ses lignes de production pharmaceutique au service des professionnels
News Press Releases Minakem donates medical masks and starts production of hand sanitizing gel for hospitals in the Hauts de France region and Belgium March 25, 2020 As the number of COVID-19 cases increases in Europe, Minakem is putting its pharmaceutical production lines at the service of healthcare professionals
Company announcement News Minakem’s response to COVID-19 outbreak March 18, 2020 The spread of the COVID-19 virus around the world has led many governments to take drastic measures aiming at containing and slowing down the
Press Clippings Pharma Tech Outlook – Top 10 CMO’s 2020 – Feb 20, 2020 – Minakem Cover Story March 5, 2020 Download the article in PDF: Minakem – top 10 cmo pharma tech outlook Cover Story -Feb 2020 Access the article online:
News Press Clippings Minakem in the TOP 10 CMO’s in Europe 2020 February 21, 2020 TOP 10 CMO’s in Europe – 2020 Pharma Tech Outlook, Europe Edition, February 2020 [Abstact] The contract manufacturing sector is